Non-Partisan. Common-sense.
Essential financial education
for our students.

To guarantee every California high school student a standalone personal finance course as a high school graduation requirement
High school students required to take a personal finance course in California compared to nationwide
California has fallen behind.
Source: NGPF
The California Personal Finance Education Initiative is a statewide ballot measure that will provide essential personal finance education to every high school student. It has overwhelming public support and addresses educational disparities, ensuring that every California student can acquire critical life skills.

Essential Skills for Everyday Living
Personal finance skills are vital in the 21st century, including managing credit, understanding financial options for career or college, and budgeting for everyday living.
Equal Opportunity
This initiative ensures that all students, regardless of their zip code, have an equal opportunity to learn essential financial skills.
Impact on Financial Future
Students who take a personal finance course have better financial outcomes, including lower credit card debt, higher credit scores, and lower delinquency rates.
Research studies find that personal finance education:
Results in fewer defaults and higher credit scores among young adults
Reduces high cost borrowing with predatory lenders
Ensures that when it comes to paying for college, students are more likely to apply for financial aid and less likely to take out private student loans
Increases the likelihood of saving for retirement after learning about the power of compound interest